Group Classes



Group classes are open to the general public, practitioners (or not) of any Yoga level or style.

They are divided by different levels based on students’ practical experience.


Level 1

Accessible for students new to Iyengar Yoga, continuing beginners and students who want to focus on the foundation of the practice. Focus on fundamental postures and actions within standing poses, seated poses, twists, and forward bending. Inversions such as Halãsana (plow pose) and Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) are introduced and refined.

Level 2

Once the basic foundation is learned, Level 1 standing poses are deeply familiar and Sarvangasana can be held for at least 5 minutes, students move on to Level 2.

Here we refine and expand upon what was taught in Level 1.  Sirsasana (headstand), Full Arm Balance, and Backbends are all introduced. Deeper twisting poses and forward extensions and variations in the Shoulder-stand family are explored. 

Level 3

Once self-practice has begun and Sirsasana can be held for some time, and students can go up into Full Arm Balance and push up into Urdhva Dhanurasana independently, they are ready to explore Level 3.
Seasoned Iyengar Yoga students will experience the challenge that comes with learning the intermediate asanas across all categories, including variations in the Inversions.


Prana = Life force energy. Ayama = Expansion

This are Yogic breathing classes for students practicing from Level 2 or above.
Pranayama helps to control and calm the mind and recharge one’s energy. It is a quieter and more subtle work than asana practice. A gate to Meditation.

Japa Mantra
This practice consists in a meditative repetition of a mantra (sacred word or phrase) for some period of time, to lead into a meditative state. It is believed that Japa Mantra is the most powerful from of meditation.

Japa meditation actually shifts your brain state because you’re giving it a healing sound vibration. We are vibratory creatures and the practice of chanting specific mantras actually helps one heal on an energetic level.



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